Avoiding Identity Theft Online and Being Kept Safe

If you often receive e mails or messages that seem like blackmails and the person who sends them seems to know you really well, do not try to find who he is; you have probably been a victim of identity theftonline. If you search on the web, you will definitely find people who are facing the same problem as yours.

The first time when this phenomenon appeared happened pretty sure when Internet came into our lives. In fact, stealing a person’s identity can also be the case in actual life; however, things in this case can be made right much easier than when online theft occurs.
If you take a moment to think, you will find out that keeping your identity in your pocket or inside a wallet or a handbag is a way for you to protect your personal information. But what happens when your online identity is stolen from a third party and when he performs purchases or he even uses your social media profile? Things can turn really bad when something like that happens, but there are many ways that you can use in order to be fully protected against identity theft online.
What to Do with Untrusted Emails and Attachments
Nowadays, everyone (even a small kid) knows that when an email comes from an untrusted source, it is sure that it must never be opened. In fact, most of the times it automatically goes to the spam files. On the other hand, in case you expect an email from someone that is not part of your contacts but you are not sure about it, there is a tested way that you can use.

Also Read:Secure Your Accounts Against Cybercrime

Do not wonder which this way is, because it is nothing else than scanning before you download. If you do not do so, it is sure that if it contains a virus it is possible to enter your personal information and steal all of your data. Apart from this way, you could also spend some time checking the sender’s address.
Surf the Web with Safety
It is not unnecessary to mention that when you decide to surf the web, you should do it wisely and when someone says wisely, he means that you must not enter any web site that you find, because a virus might be hiding there. When a virus hides you know that the end will be awful. So, every time you want to browse yourself to a web site, it is better to type https before the address that you want to visit.
Forms and Strong Passwords
If it happens to perform a purchase on the web or even if you need to fill a form online, you need to be really careful with it. You need to pay special attention to the date that you write and you need to be extra careful to where you give them to.
Sometimes, it is crucial, in order to become a member of a site or if you want to perform a purchase, to register there. In some cases you may find it really boring to come up with a password, but you need to know that the stronger your password is, the more difficult it is for someone to steal any kind of personal information of yours. So, make an effort to create a password that is strong and that is not possible for someone to guess.
If you are unemployed and/or you are looking for a job online, you must not give or publish your CV anywhere without giving it the appropriate thought. Before you publish your CV somewhere, be sure that you have read the terms, the conditions and the privacy policies and if they seem trustworthy put your CV there.
About Anti-Virus
Last but not least, it is really crucial for you to use anti-virus for your computer. Download an anti-virus that is trusted or buy one, but be sure that you are going to update it often. It is certainly the safest way to be protected from viruses and of course to protect your personal data, photos, videos or files from anyone who ca

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